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Food Not Fear Plants Seeds to Feed with LokalLab

We are so happy to be partnering with Lokal Lab, a local NGO in Siargao supporting local communities through sustainable initiatives.

When we started the Food Not Fear initiative with Planet CORA (Communities Organized for Resource Allocation,) our goal was clear to help feed local communities that have been severely affected by restrictions during the pandemic. Through each food distribution, we also wanted to make the most out of the donations by purchasing directly from the local farmers and fishermen to help both the recipients and the suppliers.

A year later, we continued the initiative with our friends from Aksyon ng Kabataan Organization (AKO) and Kids for Kids PH by supporting Community Pantries, an initiative brought on during the continued quarantine restrictions that rely on the basic rules of giving according to what you can afford and taking only what you need. Our reach has spread across Luzon and now we are so happy to be partnering with Lokal Lab, a local NGO in Siargao supporting local communities through sustainable initiatives, to provide a regenerative approach to our feeding program through agroforestation. Not only does this provide livelihood and food to the community, agroforestation also is a way to promote biodiversity by transitioning from monoculture to polyculture farming. Transforming what was initially purely coconut lands to a more diverse mix of cacao, banana, coffee and other trees!

Thank you so much to everyone that has supported the Food Not Fear project. Without your help, we wouldn’t have helped this many communities from all over the Philippines! Let’s keep working for the future and for the farmers through Food Not Fear.

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