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Our very first scholar just graduated Grade 6!

Just two weeks ago, Mae graduated grade 6 just after 10 months of being under our scholarship program.

We are so proud of you, Clarissa Mae! 💕

We first met Mae during our typhoon relief program in Camarines Sur last 2020, where Typhoons Ulysses and Rolly ravaged her area. Her family was our beneficiary for both water filters and solar lights as electricity and clean water was difficult to come by. Back then, Mae had to stop school as her family could not keep up with burden of the typhoons and the on-going pandemic. After hearing their story, we had looked for sponsors to help send her back to school.

Just two weeks ago, Mae graduated grade 6 just after 10 months of being under our scholarship program. With the success of Mae, we have decided to set up a fund specifically to send back typhoon-affected students back to school to continue their education.

Big big thanks to our amazing Bicol Coordinator, Sir Don and the Concepcion family for guiding Mae unto her success!

You can be a sponsor too! Head over to this link to be a sponsor today!

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